Topglass® GC Ultra-Safe
For exceptional strength, choose Ultra-Safe

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Industry concerns relating to Natural Roof Lighting being classified as “brittle” and therefore possibly posing a danger to foot traffic on the roof, has led to Laserlite Building Products purpose-developing a heavy-duty and high-impact roof lighting system to alleviate these concerns. Aptly named Topglass® GC Ultra-Safe, the product utilises a heavy-duty, woven roving reinforcing system positioned within the resin matrix, providing exceptional strength.
Topglass GC Ultra-Safe Applications
- Educational facilities and public assembly areas where there is a danger of people climbing onto a roof
- Fertiliser plants
- Chemical and powder-coating plants
- Wool scouring facilities
- Waste water treatment plants
- Salt extraction facilities
- Severe marine environments
- Natural roof lighting where safety mesh is not installed
- Wood pulp and paper plants
Topglass® GC Ultra-Safe is manufactured using heavy-duty woven roving enclosed within the resin matrix, to provide structural capability not normally available with traditional translucent roofing materials. It meets the impact strength tests of AS/NZS 4040 and satisfies the requirements of AS 4256.3, eliminating the need for safety mesh to be installed under the sheeting. This is especially beneficial to building designers who encounter issues with corrosive atmospheres damaging the safety mesh zinc coating. Because the roving matrix runs both longitudinally and laterally within the sheet, Topglass® GC Ultra-Safe demonstrates exceptional high impact strength.
A 130um* Exo-set 206 Premium Gelcoat surface provides long term light transmission and is supported by a 20 year weather surface structured warranty. Corrosion-resistant when installed in a wide range of aggressive environments.
Excellent spanning capabilities.
Short and Long term UV Testing of Exo-set 206 Premium Gel-coat
Topglass GC with Exo-set 206 new generation Gelcoat has undergone QUV testing at the University of Auckland and is currently undergoing real world testing against a competitor’s product at the Allunga UV testing facility in North Queensland.
Test results to date are proof that New Generation Exo-Set 206 Premium Gelcoat is at the cutting edge of superior UV resistant coatings.
Mechanical Panel Testing
Mechanical panel testing was completed on Topglass GC Ultra-Safe 3660gsm in August 2014. Please click here to see results.
IMPACK ONE Pty Ltd Trading as Laserlite Building Products manufacturer of Topglass® Industrial Fibreglass, a bonded polyester sheeting, will guarantee the product Twenty Five (25) Years from date of purchase.
For Full Warranty Terms and Conditions, please contact your local Laserlite Building Products Representative.