Topglass® GC
Long lasting, high tech translucent roofing

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Topglass® GC is the flagship of the Topglass® natural lighting family of products, and uses an innovative manufacturing process developed by Laserlite Building Products, whereby a 100 micron* EXO-SET 206 Premium Gelcoat is applied to the weather surface of the sheeting.
Offering exceptional resistance against corrosive atmospheres and providing protection against solar deterioration, Topglass® GC brings additional benefits to building designers and owners.
Topglass® GC can also be supplied in solid colours providing an excellent alternative to metal roofing and cladding systems in corrosive environments.
Topglass Gelcoat Applications
- Roof and wall lighting for commercial and industrial buildings requiring long-term natural lighting without early surface degradation.
- Educational facilities (Schools, Universities, Polytechnics) and childcare centres.
- Public outdoor areas requiring good UV protection.
Topglass Gel-coat Features and Benefits
- Our extensive six stage curing phase ensures Topglass GC is produced fully cured with a perfectly smooth surface. Consistent laminates are produced incorporating anti static high quality glass rovings that generate maximum strength during the curing and bonding process.
- Addition of a UV stabilised 130-micron gel-coated surface which is reactive thermo-set to provide a high gloss surface.
- Economical and provides flexibility whilst resisting UV degradation and yellowing much longer than is commonly experienced with general purpose translucent roofing products.
- Harmful UV rays remain a major concern for building designers. Topglass® GC can be supplied in a variety of pigments, and can also be supplied as Topglass® GC SPF. This innovative gel-coat additive provides excellent UVA and UVB protection and offers exceptional heat and light data.
- Exo-set 206 Premium Gelcoat is a state-of-the-art Gelcoating system offers the end user long term sheet clarity and weathering performance
IMPACK ONE Pty Ltd Trading as Laserlite Building Products manufacturer of Topglass® Industrial Fibreglass, a bonded polyester sheeting, will guarantee the product Twenty Five (25) Years from date of purchase.
For Full Warranty Terms and Conditions, please contact your local Laserlite Building Products Representative.