Topglass® FR50
For fire retardant, natural lighting and cladding

- Description
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Topglass® FR50 is designed and supplied as a fire and smoke retardant natural lighting system for use in commercial and industrial buildings. This type of resin system alters the flammability point of the sheeting.
Topglass® FR50 is glass reinforced polyester fire retardant sheeting that can be considered into building designs that specifically require reduced ignitability, flame propagation and heat and smoke release over conventional resin systems.
- Schools and educational institutions;
- Public assembly areas;
- Combustible areas with high fire risk;
- Where egress from a building in the event of fire may be restrictive.
Topglass FR50
Topglass® FR50 is supplied with the Laserlite Building Products 100 micron* Exo-Set 206 SPF enhanced Gelcoat system. It is supplied as a translucent roofing product and is available with increased solar values with the addition of Topglass® TopCool. The SPF enhancement stabilises the product, offering increased weather surface stability in colour retention.
Short and Long term UV Testing of Exo-set 206 Premium Gel-coat
Topglass GC with Exo-set 206 new generation Gelcoat has undergone QUV testing at the University of Auckland and is currently undergoing real world testing against a competitor’s product at the Allunga UV testing facility in North Queensland.
Test results to date are proof that New Generation Exo-Set 206 Premium Gelcoat is at the cutting edge of superior UV resistant coatings.
IMPACK ONE Pty Ltd Trading as Laserlite Building Products manufacturer of Topglass® Industrial Fibreglass, a bonded polyester sheeting, will guarantee the product Ten (10) Years from date of purchase.
For Full Warranty Terms and Conditions, please contact your local Laserlite Building Products Representative.